If you’ve been living under a rock for a couple of decades, you may not be aware of just how much our electoral system has been attacked and changed in recent years. Beyond Covid-19, which created a free-for-all atmosphere of watering down mechanisms intended to prevent vote fraud and keep elections fair and honest, the Democratic Party, funded in part by dark money, has been attacking our election processes for years now. Very few books have been able to capture what has occurred in 2020 and document it in a comprehensive manner beyond simply screaming “VOTE FRAUD?!?!” without providing evidence and a roadmap to restore election integrity and voter confidence.
The esteemed writer Mollie Hemingway, of The Federalist, has finally captured so much of what’s wrong with our election process and what needs to change moving forward for Republicans to compete on an even playing field. Some of it requires changes in the law, at the state level, which would restore things like signature verification and limiting absentee ballots to specific circumstances only by request. Other matters involve ensuring that things like ballot harvesting practices are banned in every state to avoid misuse and abuse of voting by mail.

From an excerpt of Rigged that explains the gist of what Hemingway discusses in detail, going far beyond the inconsistencies with voting procedures or a lack of ballot integrity, and covering every part of the 2020 presidential election:
“This book tells the story of how the political, media, and corporate establishments changed election laws and procedures, reduced or eliminated the oversight of ballots, manipulated the COVID-19 response, stoked violent racial unrest, published fake news, censored accurate news, and did everything in their power to make sure what happened in 2016–a Trump election victory–could not happen again in 2020”
Another part of the story that is often overlooked when it comes to election interference was the faux narrative about Russian collusion and the baseless claims that the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary Clinton by a misinformation campaign. This lie perpetuated on and on for years as a means to overthrow Donald Trump as the legitimately elected president. Democrats were quick to call the 2016 election “stolen” and spent years trying to ruin Donald Trump’s presidency with a disproven lie.
The media participation in the lie came from every level, and didn’t stop in 2020 but only continued with the Russian misinformation narrative. Remember Hunter Biden’s laptop treasure trove of information detailing the corruption of the Biden family? It was immediately labeled by major media, without even a hint of investigation, as Russian disinformation and ignored.
Aside from media bias and the ability to ignore stories, the other part of the equation in the 2020 presidential election came from big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter.
As Hemingway notes in this introduction, big tech has immense power, and people like Mark Zuckerberg have bottomless pockets to find and fund legal ways to exploit our election system:
“Republicans screamed bloody murder about the censorship y social media platforms of conservative voices and negative news stories about Democrats. They were horrified by a media complex that moved from extreme partisan bias to unabashed propaganda in defense of the Democratic Party. They watched as a completely legitimate story about international corruption involving the Biden family business–and implicating Joe Biden himself–was crushed by media and tech companies colluding to suppress it.”
As we are learning now, the Hunted Biden laptop and email story from 2020 is turning out to be true and the materials are being confirmed as genuine. The laptop and emails were a trove of damning information ignored by a media bent on defeating Donald Trump at any cost. To have Joe Biden’s “nice guy” image ruined as “the big guy” collecting 10% of Hunter Biden’s foreign money would end Biden’s presidential campaign overnight if anyone bothered to examine the overwhelming evidence.
Instead, it was swept under the rug, and reporters were blackballed and censored by Twitter for even trying to report on the story. The New York Post, to its credit, deserves applause for standing up to Twitter and not backing down, and they’ve not been vindicated as other outlets confirm the truth.
Perhaps the most chilling part of Hemingway’s indictment in this book is how none of this went away after the 2020 election. States and local governments controlled by the Democratic Party are still trying to use Covid-19 as a means to skirt laws aimed at preventing vote fraud, and still working on ways to harvest ballots and suppress Republican votes.
Part of the issue with the 2020 election was that much of the fraud taking place was well within the law established by Democratic Governors and state election officials who used Covid-19 to unilaterally change the law and relax the standards typically imposed to ensure a transparent and fair election. In Pennsylvania, for example, the GOP and Trump campaign went to court in the Summer of 2020 to unsuccessfully stop the moves by the Secretary of State to allow rampant vote-by-mail and remove the need for signature matching on mail-in ballots. These types of breaks in the system can only be fixed by fixing the law and not granting partisan individuals the ability to remove the guard rails preventing fraud from easily occurring.
It’s easy to ignore a small cadre of conspiracy theorists claiming outrageous voter fraud without offering evidence. It’s impossible, however, to ignore everything Mollie Hemingway has meticulously documented and exposed in Rigged without coming away feeling like our democracy is being taken, but not by Donald Trump, but by the Democratic Party and a far-left networks of activists trying to secure power at all costs and by any means.
One big improvement, that both sides agree on, is the need for voter photo identification laws. It’s a requirement supported by 80% of Americans, a number that includes Democrats, Republicans, and everyone in between. It’s a simple fix and simple requirement that would help cut down on fraud and restore trust in the election process.
Why does the Democratic Party almost exclusively oppose such a move? Hemingway’s book answers that question in full, and the 2020 election is exhibit “A”.
Get a copy of Rigged right now at Amazon.
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