Drama Continues With KJP: “MAGA Republicans Are an Extremist Threat to Democracy Taking Away Your Rights”

What kind of war is the Biden administration trying to start?

The constant drumbeat of harassing half the country that voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 seems to be over the top even by the low standards set forth by Democrats for what constitutes civil discourse.

We reported previously on Biden calling out “MAGA Republicans” as some kind of extreme element within the Republican Party, but White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre (KJP) has now taken it a step further.

This is clearly part of a focus-grouped strategy to turn out the progressive base or incite some kind of incident, how can it be anything else?

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was slammed Wednesday by many Twitter users for damning a major part of the American electorate on behalf of President Biden.

“The president thinks that there is an extremist threat to our democracy,” Jean-Pierre said in a preview of Biden’s planned speech for Thursday. “The MAGA Republicans are the most energized part of the Republican Party. That is an extreme threat to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights.”

She added further that “they just don’t respect the rule of law” and are “pursuing an agenda that takes away people’s rights.”

This is a calculation of trying to change the message away from Biden’s failures on the economy, foreign policy, and the general mood of the country.

The White House isn’t saying these things by accident. It wants to dial up the political rhetoric in the most divisive way it can possibly think of:

So much for Biden being the president for Trump voters as well, that schtick went out the window as soon as Biden hit 38% approval and needed to mobilize his voters for November.

Some journalists have taken notice calling the remarks absolutely reckless:

“Pretty remarkable to see someone from the White House podium say that a group of ‘energized’ voters poses ‘an extreme threat to our democracy,’” wrote Chuck Ross, investigative reporter for The Washington Free Beacon.

“Unfathomably reckless rhetoric…,” tweeted Josh Hammer, Newsweek opinion editor, “…until you realize that the malice and cruelty is the entire point.”

As far as the Biden White House is concerned, are Trump voters simply to be treated as terrorists now? That’s what President Unity is doing to bring together the country as he embarks on his quest to find the soul of the nation in his primetime speech tonight?

What Biden’s really saying is that democracy, as he sees it, which is everyone ignoring the two tiers of justice in America, one for Democrats, and one for Republicans, is under attack. No longer should Trump voters be treated as equal citizens, they’re “extremist” threats to the country.

Biden knows how to dial down the anger but he’s instead choosing to ratchet it up beyond a ten into uncharted and dangerous territory.

Somehow this is a gamble that a chunk of voters within the GOP and independent voters will be somehow drawn to calling other citizens terrorists because they believe in ideals of accountability, low taxation, limited government, and a secure southern border? Is that what terrorism is in Biden’s head?

As one astute Twitter user pointed out, Biden is dehumanizing some 70+ million Americans and basically giving his approval to treat them that way:

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists. Does that mean “MAGA Republicans” should have their voter registration revoked? The FBI was already labeling parents at school boards as domestic terrorists, perhaps they should just broaden their definition to include anyone opposing Biden?

Someone should ask KJP and other Biden administration officials how they plan to fight the War on MAGA Terror they just announced.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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