Biden to Dems: Go Pound Sand, I’m Staying in the Race

Well, he made it through the weekend, apparently.

Reports are out this morning for President Joe Biden (and co-President Jill Biden) is vehement that he is the nominee and is staying in the race, per CNN:

President Joe Biden told congressional Democrats in a letter on Monday that he will continue his reelection bid despite mounting concerns about his mental fitness and the viability of his campaign.

“I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump,” Biden wrote in the letter, obtained by CNN.

Biden sought to put growing concerns about his viability to rest in the forcefully worded letter.

“The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump. We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election. Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us,” Biden concluded. “It is time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump.”

Congratulations to Donald Trump, our 47th president.

Kidding aside, does Biden know something we don’t? His trajectory is aiming downward and not like an escalator, but more like an elevator with faulty brakes.

The freefall continues and as more and more elected Democrats call for Biden to step aside, does it seem like the situation for the President will improve?

Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe the cocoon is so small that unless Jill or Hunter say it’s time to go, Joe’s not going anywhere. What are they telling him? That his poll numbers against Trump are great? They’re lying, but that’s nothing new.

Maybe Joe will be the last to know about how America has been fleeced, with the media as an accomplice, to believe he’s in great cognitive shape and ready to roll.

Biden’s Monday morning letter was most likely in response to this Wall Street Journal article over the weekend saying, quite clearly, that the Congressional dam is breaking:

President Biden faced new calls from prominent Democrats to exit from the race, as he hit the campaign trail Sunday to try to dispel mounting concerns over his fitness for office and chances of defeating Republican Donald Trump.

In a private meeting of senior House Democrats, several attendees said Sunday that they believed Biden should step aside, according to people familiar with the matter. The members who said they believed he should exit from the race included Reps. Jerry Nadler and Joe Morelle of New York, Adam Smith of Washington, Jim Himes of Connecticut and Mark Takano of California.

The developments opened a wide crack in Biden’s wall of support, bringing the number of House Democrats publicly or privately saying he should step aside to about 10. They included the top Democrats on the Judiciary, Armed Services and Intelligence committees. The defections cast further doubts on Biden’s path forward, even as he largely controls his own fate thanks to sweeping the Democratic presidential primaries.

What happens when Grandpa won’t give up his keys? Everyone knows it’s unsafe and unrealistic for Joe to continue in this capacity running a campaign let alone running the country. He’s not making decisions, the people around him are, and the circle keeps tightening.

When you’ve lost Obese Socialist, what’s left to lose?

Filmmaker Michael Moore equated President Joe Biden’s current reelection campaign to “elder abuse” following his CNN debate performance against Donald Trump and a follow-up interview with George Stephanopoulos.

On the latest episode of his Rumble podcast, Moore said he was “gobsmacked” watching the debate and dismissed reasons like jet lag and a cold from Biden and his team as “malarkey” excuses for Biden’s performance. Amid growing calls for Biden to be replaced at the top of the Democratic Party’s ticket, Moore questioned whether he should even remain in the White House until November.

“This is about whether he should serve another four days,” the Fahrenheit 9/11 director said.

The Biden team knows this week will be brutal but they’re just trying to coast along until they can force, with their allies in the DNC, a “virtual nomination” of Joe to lock up the nomination before the coup happens. The earliest that would happen would be one or after July 23. Can he hold out until then?

Here’s a new curveball: What if the convention delegates are getting squishy and aren’t quite ready to flip the switch for Joe yet? Axios explores this:

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention are pleading for as much time as possible to decide whether President Biden should lead their ticket, delegates and state party officials told Axios.

Why it matters: The delegates are still in the dark about when they are required to hold their “virtual roll calls” to nominate their presidential candidate.

What they’re saying: “We need as much time as possible,” a party delegate from the Northeast told Axios. “There’s no way we can make a decision in two or three weeks.”

“We are still waiting to hear what Biden is going to do,” Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Texas Democratic Party, told Axios.

“We have to feel that we can win this election. Our national Democratic leadership has to make a decision on what is ultimately the best for America — and this world.”

Could the DNC pull a convention swap with Super Delegates? Would they have the guts to cast aside Joe Biden on the national stage if he wasn’t willing to leave? Not a chance.

Unless they find a way to blackmail Joe out of the race, it’s unlikely it’ll be taken away from him.

From the tone he’s striking this week, it seems clear that all this “dropout” talk is hitting Joe Biden hard in the ego. After all, in his head, he’s the political genius who “defeated” Trump once and will do it again.

Man, to be a fly on the wall of the White House this week.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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