Good Riddance: Joe Biden’s Delusional Address to the Nation

It simply cannot be overstated how much America needs to rid itself of Joe Biden. The man, who was once the stalwart of the working class in the Democratic Party, has become a divisive dictatorial figure now bent on casting half the country as enemies of democracy.

If you watched Biden’s 11-minute Oval Office address on Tuesday night, I’m sorry. If you didn’t here’s a link.

The theme of the speech was mostly political from start to finish, an inappropriate look for the Head of State speaking from the Oval Office. It wasn’t any different from a Biden campaign speech in substance, especially the ending.

In short, Biden says he dropped out to save democracy from Donald Trump. In doing so, of course, he negated the votes of millions of his Democratic primary voters who were funneled into a rigged system to prevent anyone from challenging King Joe. That’s alright, though, because Democrats can dissolve votes or create them whenever they see fit. The will of the people is meaningless when all that matters is the will of the party and keeping power.

If you were waiting for a real reason as to why Biden ended his campaign, you’re still waiting. He gave no genuine reasoning other than to “pass the torch” which is what his advisors told him to say.

Biden went down his laundry list of things he claims to have accomplished, an empty barrel of lies that no one is buying. When you listen to him though, you get the sense that he believes in his head that he is, in fact, the greatest president since George Washington. He almost slipped into the whispering stage which comes out when he’s angry that nobody buys his lies.

Further, out of the graciousness of Joe Biden’s heart, he says he’s going to cure cancer in the last few months of his term. He could’ve done it at the beginning but he had to get those stimulus checks and climate change goals pushed through. Maybe now, if there’s time, Biden will save the world from this scourge if we only let him.

It was perhaps the ending of the speech, more than anything, that was most offensive and unbecoming for a president speaking from the White House:

Biden, as he always does, retracted to his corner of painting half the country as enemies of the state if they disagreed with his jilted, progressive vision of the world.

“The idea of America lies in your hands,” claims Biden.

Translation: Vote for Kamala Harris in November or you are flushing the idea of America down the toilet. It’s not an argument that Presidents usually make, especially when sitting behind the Resolute Desk. It was not a good look for Biden to go out on.

Instead, this speech should’ve been less about the future of politics and more about reflecting on his career, and nothing more. We won’t know the real truth of how and why Biden was pushed out of the race for quite some time, maybe we never will fully know. He looks unwell, rumors abound about recent health emergencies, and it seems that everyone except him knew it was time to go.

In the end, Biden’s Oval Office address was a view into his self-delusion where everything he touches turns to gold and everyone who disagrees with his policies are enemies of the state. It’s truly a sad, sad way to view the country that he is tasked with governing.

The electorate will be better off being rid of Joe Biden when his term ends. His faux-unity speeches dripping with division and hatred toward his fellow citizens are unhelpful and seem to only stir up his left-wing base, the only portion of the country he truly cares about.

I’ll let Brit Hume bat cleanup on this one:

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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