Maybe No One Wants to Become the Sacrificial Lamb

There has been a lot of talk about who would replace President Joe Biden if he steps down from his re-election campaign.

Maybe the better question to ask is whether or not anyone even wants to replace Joe on the ticket in November. After all, Donald Trump appears stronger at this point in the campaign than he was in 2016 or 2020.

Is there a possible fear that stepping in to replace Joe and losing in November would permanently scar an up-and-coming national figure like, say, Gavin Newsom or any slew of other Democrat presidential wannabes?

An astute user on X posed this very scenario when examining how Trump compares to just about every other possible Biden replacement:

There’s no question the possible Biden replacements are taking stock of their political future and trying to decide whether a likely loss in November would help or hurt their political record. Obviously, the stench of losing to Trump would be a detriment.

Other Democrats are working their way through the five stages of grief over the revelation that their top guy is not fit to serve. Some of them, like Whoopi Goldberg on The View, for example, say they don’t care if Joe Biden soils himself in public on a daily basis, they’re still voting for him:

She’s sick, but at least she’s made it to the acceptance phase. Then again, it also sounds like denial so maybe Whoopi has a lot more wine-drinking to do before she realizes Joe’s on his way to a loss.

In time, plenty of Democrats will come around to the position that Poopy-Pants Joe is just fine because, hey, it’s too late now, and Orange Man Bad!

That is assuming, of course, that Joe decides to stay in the race and the negotiations to get rid of him break down for the reasons listed above.

Meanwhile, other Democrats are either angry, bargaining, or depressed over the state of affairs they created for themselves.

What of Vice President Kamala Harris? Does she even want to run knowing her chance of winning might be even worse than her boss’s? Maybe she’s sitting by playing the dutiful underling because she’d rather run in 2028 when Trump is out of the picture.

There’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than the public is privy to know right now.

The question Democrat wanna-be presidential candidates are considering is whether they want to be the sacrificial lamb against a very strong Trump candidacy. What if the answer is “No, thanks!” across the board?

It would appear the better option, as a future Democratic presidential candidate, would be to support Joe Biden, assume he’s going to lose, and then line up your campaign in four years.

The Biden train will roll on while the wheels fall off and people like Whoopi clean up the mess.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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