CNN Truth Bombs the DNC: Why Haven’t Dems Solved Any of the Problems They Complain About?

You’d think this comment came from the panel discussion on Special Report with Bret Baier, but no. This was a CNN panel discussion live from the Democratic National Convention dropping a truth bomb on the party.

Speaker after speaker drones on about division, wealth gaps, inequality, and other issues of social justice all the while pretending Democrats haven’t been in charge for quite some time. In reality, Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 out of the last 16 years and, for some reason, everything bad in the country is still the fault of Donald Trump and no one else:

“She’s in the White House right now. Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years, and for all of the talk about division and problems in the country, and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country…”

Oof, that one leaves a mark.

When you listen to anything Kamala Harris says it’s as if she’s not the sitting Vice President. Her party has no responsibility for rising inflation, growing inequality, or sowing discord and division. This is patently absurd, of course, as Joe Biden is the Divider-in-Chief and has presided over a disastrous tenure during his first term in office. Whether she likes it or not, Harris is inextricably linked to Biden’s failures.

It’s a case where voters must ask themselves, why bother? Why give Democrats another four years in the White House when it’s clear that they seem unable to fix any of the items they endlessly complain about? If President Obama couldn’t fix it in eight years and Biden couldn’t fix it in another four, then why does Kamala Harris deserve four more?

The question is rhetorical but there is a simple and easy truth to find if you squint. Beaucracts have little incentive to solve problems or button up issues when they need people to keep voting for them. It’s a game of bait and switch that Democrats play at the local level up to the federal government.

We just need four more years and we can unite the country and finally make the rich pay their fair share. It’s a tired theme that Democrats trot out quadrennially to convince supporters that it’s Republicans who stand in the way of these obvious solutions. 

Then again, what do Democrats have to show for their time in office? If the Obama years were so grand, how did Hillary Clinton get bested by Donald Trump, the political newbie?

Furthermore, if the Biden years we so good, why was he losing to Trump in every swing state to the point that his own party kicked him off the campaign trail and sent him behind the barn?

Voters aren’t stupid but they’re sometimes inattentive. Democrats are just hoping that they’re paying enough attention to buy the empty solutions and forget that Kamala Harris is currently in charge even though she doesn’t act like it.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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