DNC Recap: Fake Love for Joe Biden Was Amusing

“We love Joe,” they shouted, as President Biden delivered what was billed as his “farewell” speech to day one of the Democratic National Convention.

Really? “We love Joe,” huh? That’s interesting because it wasn’t just a few short weeks ago that Joe was put out to pasture rather unceremoniously via a post to X and then a disappearing act for days.

There was plenty to parse in Biden’s speech and I’ll freely admit, I didn’t watch it live, there was no point. We’ve heard it all and there’s little more to say about the Biden record since we’re all living it. In Joe’s mind, he was arguably the greatest president of all time and he accomplished so much and he still plans to cure cancer in the next few months, maybe by Thanksgiving.

From the top of his opening line, Biden was off the rails into a fantasy land where Donald Trump’s disproven praise for white supremacists was the catalyst that pushed Joe into the 2020 presidential race, according to Fox News:

President Biden on Monday evening during his DNC speech spotlighted a debunked claim that former President Donald Trump spoke favorably of neo-Nazis in 2017 following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally.

“We’re in a battle for the very soul of America. I ran for president in 2020 because of what I saw in Charlottesville in August of 2017. Extremists coming out of the woods carrying torches, their veins bulging from their necks, carrying Nazi swastikas and chanting the same exact antisemitic bile that was heard in Germany in the early ’30s,” Biden said just after 10:30 CT on Monday night.

“When the president was asked what he thought had happened, Donald Trump said, and I quote, ‘There are very fine people on both sides.’ My God, that’s what he said. That is what he said and what he meant. That’s when I realized … I could not stay on the sidelines. So I ran,” Biden continued, citing the debunked claim about Trump.

No, that’s what he did not say. Biden has kept this lie alive in his head for years now repeating it every chance he gets. Even Snopes, the left-wing “fact check” website just recently (what took so long?) published a rebuke of Biden’s lie:

In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were “very fine people on both sides,” referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters. He said in the same statement he wasn’t talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be “condemned totally.”

In other words, Biden freely admits the basis for his campaign was launched on a lie which then explains the remainder of his make-believe world where the economy is great and the world isn’t descending into World War 3.

It’s difficult to listen to him drone on any longer when he was quite literally knee-capped and taken out to the woodshed by his party. Even New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, a friend of Democrats, called it for what it was, a straight-up coup:

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd slammed high-ranking Democrats for pushing President Joe Biden to exit the 2024 presidential race in what she dubbed a “coup” — and likened the machinations to the assassination of Julius Caesar.

In her Saturday column called “The Dems are delighted. But a coup is still a coup,” Dowd wrote ahead of Monday’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago where Dems are set to make their nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris official.

“As much as she cared for the president, Pelosi would never choose helping the House of Biden over helping her beloved House of Representatives. Their alienation of affection was clear in interviews she did to promote her new book, ‘The Art of Power,’” Dowd wrote.

“One of the most ruthless and successful tacticians in congressional history seemed sheepish about knifing her pal, and conflicted over whether to take credit. Et tu, Nancy? Biden must have thought,” Dowd concluded.

The faux Biden love oozing from the convention floor on Monday night is an illustration of what the Democratic Party has become. An empty shell of a party bent on pushing left-wing policies at the expense of traditional American values. Gone are the days of anything resembling organic grassroots movements among Democrats. We’ve arrived at a point where it’s nothing more than top-down Marxist policies disguised as some kind of moderate socialist “neighborliness.”

Case and point, the 2024 Democratic nominee never received a single primary vote.

Day two continues tonight with a pair of speeches from the Obamas. The day two stream is available here if you feel the need.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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