Poll Data: RFK Jr. Could Easily Tip Swing States to Trump

The political world witnessed a bombshell on Friday when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cast his party affiliation aside to fully endorse Donald Trump for president. A life-long Democrat from the most well-known and well-established family within the Democratic Party permitting fellow independent-minded Democrats to vote for MAGA is a development not to be taken lightly.

So far, with Kamala Harris’ coup over Joe Biden now complete, her poll numbers have bounced nationally and improved in swing states, but not enough to overtake Trump’s Electoral College lead. Voters are uncertain about the Harris-Walz left-leaning ticket, as well they should be.

Depending on the state, RFK Jr. pulls anywhere between three and five percent, numbers which forced CNN’s Erin Burnett to admit the magnitude of this endorsement:

It also cannot be overstated how much RFK Jr. went out of his way to burn down and expose the actions of his former party as he exited through the back door:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. went scorched earth on Friday against the Democrat party for launching a coup against President Joe Biden in order to replace him with Vice President Kamala Harris — who went from being one of the most unpopular vice presidents in history to suddenly leading former President Donald Trump in the polls.

The decision comes as Democrats have tried to use lawfare to knock Kennedy off the ballot in key states, just as they did to Trump. Kennedy slammed the process as undemocratic before decrying the “palace coup against President Joe Biden.”

“In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it. Lacking confidence in its candidate — that its candidate could win in a fair election at the voting booth — the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself,” Kennedy said.

The DNC followed this up by running “a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden,” Kennedy continued. “Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same, shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor — also without an election.”

“They installed a candidate that was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate,” he said.

Kennedy went on to describe the recent conduct of Presidential Nominee Harris as “profoundly undemocratic.”

Better than any Republican could do it, RFK Jr. hit point after point destroying the Kamala Harris narrative and exposing just how militant and totalitarian the Democratic Party has become. The ironic inclusion of the term “democratic” in the Democratic Party is merely window dressing, at best.

While Joe Biden made it his pretend quest to unify the country, RFK Jr. is actually doing it. There are plenty of things he disagrees with Donald Trump on, that’s abundantly clear, but this is about putting the country first over party politics and standing up for American values like freedom of speech, fair elections, and returning power to the will of the people.

Internally, the Trump campaign is thrilled and sees this as a win-win for both the former President and RFK Jr. The shift could be so seismic, in fact, that RFK’s decision could directly impact some of the most crucial states:

Will the outcome be as rosy as Trump’s internal polling suggests? Probably not, but the movement will be tangible. Voters don’t move in lockstep and RFK Jr.’s supporters will scatter in several directions. Some will gravitate back toward the Democratic ticket, some will opt for a different third-party candidate or simply write in, some will not vote, and some will migrate over to the Trump campaign undoubtedly.

The question that stands is how many of these voters can be persuaded between now and Election Day to pull the lever for Trump and send Kamala Harris to the unemployment line.

It’s going to take some time before this all shakes out but with Labor Day approaching soon, the real Fall campaign schedule will pick up in earnest. School is returning to session for much of the country in the coming days and Americans, en masse, will begin paying close attention to what’s on the November ballot.

As expected, Democrats and their friends in the media (one and the same) have now turned their fire on RFK Jr. to destroy him at break-neck speed. He knew it would be coming and he didn’t care, it was worth it to teach his party a lesson. Amazing how left-wing news outlets are suddenly concerned about illegal drugs when it’s RFK Jr. but spent years calling Hunter Biden a “troubled young man” while they sweep his addictions and crimes under the rug.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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