Stuck With Kamala: DNC Speech Ripped by Voters and Viewers Alike

In case you missed it, Kamala Harris delivered her nomination acceptance speech on Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. From the onset it was understood her speech would be light on details and policy, instead focusing on her background and personal story. The reason for that is obvious since there are few left-wing policies Harris supports that would be appetizing to anyone outside the coastal elites.

The result was a glitzy and glamorous party void of substance and light on proposals that would actually reverse the damage done by the Biden-Harris administration over the past three and a half years.

Here’s a rundown of reactions from an undecided voter panel on CNN as well as some choice reactions from various commentators.

First, the CNN panel was brutal in noting that Harris had a great personal story but lacked anything resembling a coherent set of policies or agenda items:

After being pressed to make a decision, as an undecided voter, the man in the above clip is settling on Donald Trump:

The New York Post may have summed up the week in the best way possible as little more than an act designed to make Kamala Harris out to be some kind of moderate:

Then there’s this blurb from NBC News just after Harris finished speaking. A fine speech and all, but how does a Harris administration look different than a Biden administration? Nobody knows:

That fact alone is probably what will keep Harris stuck at her current level of support. Biden was deeply unpopular in terms of approval rating when he dropped out. Harris has her hands all over the Biden policies of the last few years and is unable to distance herself. If voters weren’t digging Joe Biden, why would they dig his number two in command taking over the top spot?

Then there’s Chris Cuomo pointing out the obvious. Seemingly overnight, Kamala Harris is the “tough on crime” Border Czar she never was during the Biden presidency. It’s all a lie and transparent to anyone who has been paying remote attention to the issue:

For the progressive masses, Kamala’s empty story is just fine because they know where she stands on the issues. She’ll be further left than Biden and unafraid to demagogue to the point of insanity. There’s no “there” there in terms of policy or even an ability to discuss policy. It’s all left-wing tropes one after another and it’s tiring.

Finally, here’s Brit Hume to bat cleanup on the fact that just weeks ago, Kamala Harris was considered to be the worst Vice president in modern history and unable to add anything of value as Joe BIden’s running mate:

Hume’s comments were delivered before the speech but are just as pertinent given the circumstances. Since Joe Biden stepped down it’s been a mad rush to re-invent Harris as some kind of moderate pragmatist who tilts to the left but at least smiles a lot. It’s the campaign of “Joy” or whatever.

We’ll know more in the coming days if voters are willing to buy the empty Harris candidacy or if Trump will maintain an edge.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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