The Interview About Nothing: Kamala Harris, Tim Walz to Sit Down With CNN

It’s not usually breaking news when a sitting Vice President, who happens to be the current Democratic nominee, decides to sit with a journalist for a fluff-filled interview. That’s amateur-hour middle school stuff that should be part and parcel of any presidential campaign.

In the case of Kamala Harris however, it’s nationwide breaking news that she’s decided, with her Vice President in tow, to sit down with CNN’s Dana Bash for what is sure to be a hard-hitting, issues-oriented, pre-taped chat about how bad Donald Trump is. End the sarcasm there.

Beyond the fact that it’s pre-taped which is a dead giveaway up front that nothing of substance will come from this interview, Harris is dragging her Dad along Vice President along to bail her out of word salad purgatory.

CNN is absolutely giddy like they just caught the biggest fish in the sea:

Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will sit with CNN for their first joint interview on Thursday as Democrats work to broaden their base’s excitement from last week’s Democratic National Convention.

The interview, conducted by CNN’s chief political correspondent and anchor Dana Bash, will air at 9 p.m. ET on Thursday. It occurs as the candidates embark on a bus tour through the battleground state of Georgia and marks the first time Harris has sat with a journalist for an in-depth, on-the-record conversation since President Joe Biden dropped his bid for a second term and endorsed her on July 21.

It’s only a “catch” in the sense that Kamala Harris has avoided interviews like one would avoid the Bubonic plague. Don’t get near it, don’t touch it, don’t look at it, don’t even think about it. That’s Harris’ approach to accountability and answering to the people she currently represents.

The fact that Harris is the sitting Vice President is already being memory-holed by some outlets as they criticize Republicans for daring to allege that Biden’s record should spill onto the Harris-Walz campaign. As pointed out by Libs of TikTok, Harris is currently part of the Biden-Harris administration whether Politico likes it or not:

Back to the CNN interview, there’s also no coincidence Harris is sitting with Dana Bash, an openly left-leaning partisan on the network. Sure, she’s a “journalist” but she also spent the last several weeks assuring everyone that Kamala Harris was never considered Joe Biden’s Border Czar, though Harris clearly was.

The real problem for Harris doing interviews is her lack of a coherent platform. Right now, it’s basically a “tax everything” approach which seems like a losing proposition given the state Bidenomics has left the country in. Sure, by all means, run on tax hikes and shout it loud and proud. Beyond that, it’s more lies and nonsense trying to cover for Biden’s failed presidency as Harris attempts to distance herself from the job she’s currently holding.

In some ways, viewing Kamala Harris as the incumbent is a drawback rather than an asset given how unpopular Joe Biden has become.

Beyond America’s borders, Harris is even more of a disaster when talking about international affairs. As Chuck DeVore writes at the Federalist, the most unserious person in this race from a foreign policy perspective is demonstrably Kamala Harris:

Harris’ comment that Trump is an “unserious man” rings hollow when considering the catastrophic failures of the administration she now effectively leads in all but title only. The Biden-Harris administration has shown itself to be utterly incapable of confronting the serious challenges facing America and the world. From foreign policy disasters to economic mismanagement, the failures of this administration are legion.

Yet in Harris’ own acceptance speech, she claimed she would, “never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists … never waver in defense of America’s security and ideals.” But we’ve long since overdrawn our accounts — we’ve written checks we can’t cash. Just last week, Harris’ U.S. Navy announced it was mothballing 17 support ships due to lack of qualified personnel — ships such as resupply vessels, fleet oilers, and transport ships. Words are cheap, deterring war is expensive, war with China would be catastrophic.

By refusing to remove Biden from office, Harris has demonstrated that she is not the capable leader she claims to be. Instead of prioritizing the safety and security of the nation, she has allowed a cognitively impaired president to remain in power, all while presiding over a series of foreign policy blunders that have emboldened America’s enemies.

The Biden-Harris administration’s unseriousness is the true national security threat. Harris’s inaction and coverup in the face of Biden’s decline, coupled with her failure to competently manage foreign policy, has left America more vulnerable than ever.

Biden was bad on foreign policy, Harris might be even worse. At least Biden had some guard rails of experience to draw from despite being wrong on every foreign policy issue of the last five decades. Harris takes little interest in expanding her worldview or gaining a new perspective on something. Instead, she’s the student who rarely studies, flunks the test, and then blames her parents for not marking her buckle down.

The Harris-Walz interview is set for Thursday at 9 pm ET on CNN.

What amazing new knowledge and wisdom will we learn from the most left-wing ticket in political history? Stay tuned.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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