Threat to Democracy Update: Democrats Begin Installing Candidate With Zero Votes as Nominee

Thank goodness the Democratic Party is here to restore democracy to the democratic process by *checks notes* coronating a nominee who received zero primary votes.

The virtual roll call for the 2024 Democratic nomination began on Thursday night so the party of democracy can avoid a floor fight over which bad candidate should take up the mantle of President Joe Biden’s record in November. This is being done ahead of the actual Democratic National Convention so the party can appear unified while it installs a nominee no one voted for.

Unsurprisingly, Vice President Kamala Harris, the selected candidate after the insurrection silent coup to remove Joe Biden succeeded, is the favorite, according to USAToday:

Democrats will begin a virtual roll call on Thursday to vote Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s presumptive presidential nominee.

The roll call vote will begin Thursday at 9 a.m. ET. Delegates have until the deadline on Monday, Aug. 5 at 6 p.m. ET to return their ballots.

Harris skyrocketed to the top of the ticket after President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on July 21. Pressure had grown from concerned Democratic leaders that the president could no longer beat his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump.

Less than 30 minutes after he stepped aside, Biden endorsed Harris. The Vice President quickly garnered overwhelming support from leaders in her party and re-energized voters.

Harris accumulated more than enough delegate support to win the nomination within the first 24 hours.

They wrote the story as if the delegates had a choice. Of course Harris “accumulated more than enough delegate support” in 24 hours, the DNC told delegates this is what they would be doing. There was no debate or discussion or possibility of an open convention that would’ve seen Harris go down in embarrassing defeat. This is the only way Democrats wanted it done which is to remove actual democracy from the process and shove Kamala Harris down the throat of every Biden delegate.

This is a Saddam Hussein-style coronation. Harris, if you’ll recall, dropped out of the Democratic primary in December 2019 before a single vote was even cast. She left the race back then polling around 2% support. She had terrible organization and, frankly, Democratic primary voters didn’t like her much.

Fast-forward to today and they’re stuck with her and they’re being told they’ll like it. They’re being told she’s their “hero” for saving them from Joe Biden.

Harris is in a clear honeymoon phase where Democrats are just elated they don’t have to vote for Sleepy Joe Biden another time around knowing full well he’s too mentally gone to do the job. The media is working overtime to revive, update, and purge Harris’ record of her undesirable left-of-left views on things like law enforcement, transgenderism, health care, taxes, and on and on and on. Harris’ brand of progressivism makes Bernie Sanders blush.

Anyway, here are some wise parting words from the newly anointed Democratic nominee: It’s always important to understand the power of diplomacy and understand the significance of the power of diplomacy or whatever she said while crawling over Joe Biden’s tattered political career:

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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