Trump Trolls Kamala: She Was Indian Before She Was Black

If you missed Donald Trump’s fiery Q&A session at Wednesday’s National Association of Black Journalists conference, give it a watch. You won’t learn much, but it was entertaining.

At the onset, the first journalist tasked with questioning Trump was hostile and downright nasty in her tone. It was Trump, after all. who decided to show up at the event, not Kamala Harris, despite her earlier acceptance of the invitation. Why did he have to be there at all and why come off so immediately rude to an invited guest?

Nonetheless, race-baiting by the moderators continued except for Harris Faulkner, of Fox News, the only objective journalist on the stage.

Here’s how it started with a monologue disguised as a question from ABC’s Rachel Scott:

Essentially the question was, “Why are you so racist?,” which is the modern-day “When did you stop beating your wife?”

Democrats engorge themselves in daily race-baiting and racially-charged attacks on conservatives all day long, see Clarance Thomas and Ben Carson, for example, but they get upset when someone else uses their playbook.

Eventually, this exchange occurred and heads exploded when Trump questioned why Kamala Harris had shifted her identity away from her Indian heritage:

Fact check: Trump’s not wrong on Kamala’s race-shifting over the years, and everyone knows it whether they want to admit it or not.

Kamala Harris started her political career in California as the state’s “first Indian-American US senator,” according to the Associated Press in 2016:

As times change, so do racial identities when one identity becomes more advantageous than another for Democrat politicians. See formerly-Cherokee Sen. Elizabeth Warren, for example.

The dig, from Trump, is squarely on Kamala Harris and her shape-shifting brand of political theater. She relates to and identifies as a Black American since it suits her better now than being an Indian-American. Those are just the facts. Maybe it doesn’t matter, but maybe it speaks to Harris’ inability to define herself politically or come up with a reason to be where she is today other than as a DEI hire by Joe Biden:

Harris was celebrated by the White House as part of the Biden administration’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” goals but now it’s impolite to point that out for some reason.

The real question is not racial, however, it’s a question of the political elites versus the rest of the country. Harris is a representative of the coastal enclaves where leftism runs with reckless abandon. She has disdain for the heartland of America, as liberals always do, and that’s the true source of her flawed political identity. She has more in common with the average Ivy League faculty lounge than she ever will with anyone living in rural America, regardless of their skin color.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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