Who Is Tim Walz? What to Know About Kamala Harris’ Radical VP Choice

News broke this morning that Kamala Harris is selecting Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her pick for a vice presidential running mate. The move comes after weeks of speculation as Harris decided between a handful of prominent sitting governors and senators vying to be on the ticket.

The second runner-up, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who is Jewish, would’ve been a better choice in the electoral sense, but that selection would’ve caused heartburn and rioting for the various anti-Semitic factions within the Democratic Party.

As a Midwest governor, Walz possesses some of that Midwest charm, but that’s where it ends with his relation to anything resembling traditional American values. For starters, Walz is a dyed-in-the-wool progressive and was being touted heavily by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the only openly self-proclaimed socialist in the U.S. Senate.

They say some people can best be judged by the company they keep, and Walz keeps some very, very far-left company, reports the Daily Signal:

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told Minnesota Public Radio that he supports Walz for vice president, saying the Minnesota governor would “speak up” for the working class.

“I had the opportunity to talk to your governor a few days ago, and I am very impressed by him,” Sanders said in that Minnesota-based interview. “I think you have an excellent governor who understands the needs of working families.”

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who came under fire in mid-July for calling Israel “a racist state,” pointed to Walz’s track record backing labor unions and working families as a key reason for her support.

“I want somebody who’s really strongly pro-labor and understands labor, because this is a big part of the working-class agenda and making sure that we win working-class votes,” Jayapal said.

By picking Walz, Harris is signaling a left-wing tilt and nod to her radical base that demands something more than the modern-day Joe Biden wing of the Democratic Party. This is a base that wants radical gender transitions imposed on minor children, unfettered access to late-term abortion up to the point of birth, and holds a general belief that the root of all global problems lay at the feet of the United States and Israel.

In that vein, Walz is as pro-abortion as you can get having signed a law in 2023 guaranteeing access to late-term abortion up to the point of birth:

In January 2023, Walz signed into law Minnesota legislation that includes no limitations on when a woman may end the life of her unborn baby.

“To Minnesotans, know that your access to reproductive health, and your right to make your own health care decisions, are preserved and protected,” Walz said then of the so-called Protect Reproductive Options Act. “And because of this law, that won’t change with the political winds and the makeup of the Supreme Court.”

Walz is also a proponent of stripping parents of their rights when it comes to making life-altering decisions for their children. As governor, he signed an executive order allowing minors access to irreversible gender mutilation services:

Walz issued an executive order ensuring that Minnesota children may obtain irreversible transgender surgeries and sterilizing hormone treatments, which proponents call “gender-affirming care.” The measures made Minnesota a “trans refuge,” supporters said.

While signing his executive order, Walz held the hand of 12-year-old boy who said he identified as a transgender girl.

Walz’s executive order prevents other states from taking “child protection” action against parents who help their children “transition” to a boy or girl. According to the order, a parent in another state may not take custody action against a parent in Minnesota who is transitioning a child.

There will be a reckoning at some point for the adults who encouraged and enabled children to make life-altering decisions before they even turn 10. It’s a sick and twisted ideology that firmly believes the only path forward is to let 12-year-olds cut off their genitals in the name of “gender affirmation.” It’s appalling, shocking, and not something most Americans support. Many European nations are already starting to ban or limit the practice but people like Tim Walz and cheering it on.

Beyond his political views, which tilt about as far left as they can go, Walz may best be known outside of Minnesota for the way he handled (or mishandled) the riots resulting from the 2020 death of George Floyd in police custody. Under Walz’s lack of leadership, Minneapolis was burned and looted for weeks in the name of “justice” at the expense of law and order. The result was death, destruction, and a general collapse of anything resembling a civilized society

That is Tim Walz’s legacy.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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