America Is Back! Trump Opens the NYSE to Cheers

Get on the train or get left behind, that is how many investors are feeling right now.

Gone are the days of 2016 in the first Trump term when Wall Street players were weary of associating with the new and untested President. Today, the mood in the country is one of optimism and rising confidence that America’s best days lie ahead.

It was a brilliant move by President-elect Trump and the NYSE to feature this century’s most consequential political leader. The message is loud and clear: Investing in the new America is where it’s at. Don’t get left behind and on the sidelines wishing you had joined in.

The floor of the stock exchange was just as enthusiastic with spontaneous chants of “USA!” breaking out:

Then there’s the Time Magazine cover out today featuring the most obvious choice for person of the year:

Can we safely assume it wasn’t even a contest? No one has endured more persecution than Donald Trump, and no one has risen out of the ashes time and time again to slay his foes and reach another summit of success.

Just months ago, the media was pronouncing his campaign dead and Kamala Harris was the sure thing. After all, she had that Taylor Swift endorsement locked up!

In a word, Donald Trump is leadership. He could have written off another term on several occasions. He could have bowed out and let someone else do this dirty job. On the other hand, “FIGHT!” seems to be his default setting and he wasn’t going to let Joe Biden’s lawfare take him down.

There is a spirit engulfing the country that few presidents will ever inspire. People of all stripes are feeling relieved and encouraged by the team Trump is building. It’s a team focused on growth and putting the needs of Americans over the wasteful pleasures of government bureaucrats.

Trump’s visit to the NYSE was further evidence that the era of Joe Biden doesn’t officially end until January but the credits are almost done rolling.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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