CNN Panel: Trump Will Invade Blue States and Takeover Their Capitals

The headline is not an exaggeration. This is what passes for civil discussion on CNN these days.

It’s been a month to the day that Donald Trump stormed to victory in one of the greatest political comebacks of all time. The country seems optimistic again, the future is looking bright. That is unless you live in the CNN bubble.

Seriously, these people need a wellness check and a mental evaluation, how does Scott Jennings deal with this?

Are they serious? They are and they’re very worried about a scenario that would be too crazy even for an episode of Homeland.

They’re saying Donald Trump might order the United States military to invade Sacramento, for example, depose Governor Gavin Newsom, and install The Donald as Supreme Leader of the state of California. That’s the real scenario they envision happening sometime in the next few months. Well, that or the military going house to house checking for papers and deporting people street by street.

God bless Scott Jennings, the only sane voice of reason on CNN. Watching him tear these people up is a great joy in life. He’s blunt but non-confrontational and simply asking them for examples of their wild claims causes a nightly meltdown.

It’s all absurd and patently false. They even point back to the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots as proof that Trump “wanted” to send in the military. Yeah, he mentioned it but he didn’t do it and, quite frankly, he should have done more to quell the rampant violence and destruction. The country was damaged by the lawlessness that Democrats encouraged in 2020 and some communities are still picking up pieces.

On the immigration front, no one has said the U.S. military would be deporting anyone. We have other agencies for that. What the military does have is facilities to use for temporary detention or possibly even transport planes for logistical support. Interagency cooperation is not atypical.

These lunatics on the panel are nuts if they think it’ll be Seal Team Six going into apartment complexes dragging out someone’s Abuela and shipping her back to Guatemala.

Beyond that, the notion that Trump would take over state capitals by force is hilarious at face value. He should joke about it just to watch them go into the fetal position.

Newsflash: Trump already invaded those states on November 5 and won a resounding victory turning every state redder in 2024.

It was a bloodless coup in even the bluest of states where Americans said enough is enough and put the real grown-ups back in charge.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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