Joe Biden’s Farewell Speech Was Worse Than You Think

It’s over, Joe, let it go.

The reality of the moment seems to be eluding Joe Biden as he caps off a 50-year career or wrecking America. On the one hand, he’s arguing for fairness in the eyes of the law while the ink is still wet on the massive pardon he delivered to his son, Hunter. There is no honor among thieves and it seems like the Biden family is one big Ponzi scheme thieving from America while simultaneously lecturing voters about how virtuous Joe Biden thinks he is.

For example, how can he even say this with a straight face?

It’s painful to even watch knowing full well his own son pleaded guilty to tax evasion. Who is he talking about not paying their fair share? His own family members don’t pay their own taxes.

The problem with Joe Biden is that he lacks any semblance of legitimate humility of any kind. He’s right, always. Just ask him. He’s also the most virtuous. Again, just ask him. Furthermore, he’ll lecture you about how evil the other side is and how they threaten democracy more than anything on the planet while he abuses his power and tries to quell the democratic process.

Take this line, for example, about the “tech industrial complex” for a further example of how tone-deaf Biden has become:

An avalanche of misinformation? Enabling the abuse of power? Is he joking or is he that far removed from his own administration’s actions when it came to censoring speech and attacking his political opponents with the Department of Justice? If he believes the trash he’s peddling, he’s even further gone than it seems.

As Logan Washburn writes at the Federalist, Democrats love censorship and social media manipulation because it keeps them in power:

Democrats need censorship because their ideas cannot win on their own merits. From supporting dictatorial Covid mandates to racist “antiracism” to transgender mutilation of children, these positions are untenable on their own. During the Biden presidency, the situation was even worse, as platitudes replaced any practical policy, and America’s absentee president left White House staffers to execute this weak approach.

November’s election proved this. Despite Democrats’ best efforts using “Bidenbucks” — or later, “KamalaCash” — to co-opt federal agencies as leftist “get out the vote” machines, they lost the presidential bid by a landslide.

In 2020, it has now been well documented that Facebook and the former Twitter both colluded on behalf of Joe Biden to suppress information about the crimes committed by his son. When the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story and posted a link to the article, Twitter promptly disabled their account. Facebook limited the sharing of the article as well. It’s a fact, Jack! The “tech industrial complex” was, until about five seconds go, exclusively tilted to help Democrats and Democrats only. The vast majority of donations from Silicon Valley have lined the pockets of Democratic candidates for decades now.

Joe Biden is delusional or lying to imply that somehow big tech deciding to ignore future government requests to censor the truth is causing widespread misinformation.

The other possibility is that Biden is stuck in an era where Americans had nothing more than an evening newscast to tell them what was happening. In Biden’s world, if he says it as President, Americans must be inclined to believe it and the media should back him up. It’s no wonder why trust in legacy media sources is at an all-time low. If you only get information from the New York Times or CBS News, you’re embarrassingly misinformed.

It’s not an understatement to say that Joe Biden has damaged his party more than anything else in the past couple of decades. His arrogance coupled with incompetence created a situation that voters found untenable so they elected Donald Trump.

In the waning hours of the Biden administration, expect more pardons to come for various people like Liz Cheney who are somehow above the law while the President lectures us all about abuses of power.

As Joe gasps his last meaningful words as President, it’s time to say good riddance to this clown car dynasty of American politics.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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