Biden Approval Dives to Record Low 30% in Civiqs Poll

Week after week, President Biden’s approval number continues to be a downward slog no matter what new punch line or blame-game operation the White House rolls out. The “Putin price hike” didn’t work so they tried the “Putin tax hike” with similarly bad results.

Now, the President is using the word “inflation” and actually talking about what he can do to try and correct the problems his economic policies created. That only seems to be shining a spotlight on his failures rather than inspire confidence among voters that Biden will actually be able or willing to fix the pain at the gas pump and grocery store.

Never before has Biden’s number sunk this low to 30% among Americans participating in the Civiqs poll, gently tapping on the door to the twenties.

The Civiqs poll uses a larger pool of survey respondents than most polls and has been keeping tabs on Biden’s approval as an average across all fifty states:

Biden’s numbers appear only to have gotten worse since the ruling overturning Roe v. Wade was announced on June 24. This could be related to progressives simply feeling defeated that Biden is unable or unwilling to engage forcefully in the culture war issues swirling around him.

Republicans have been universally viewing Biden with 97% disapproval for months in this poll, so where is the new low coming from? The nosedive in Biden’s approval is now emanating exclusively from independents and Democratic voters becoming more disillusioned with the state of the country:

What approval number constitutes a total abandonment of Biden’s own voting base? We must be getting pretty close to that point since week after week, friendly Biden media outlets like CNN, NBC, the Washington Post, and others, continue running stories quoting anonymous Democrats fearing that the President is in so far over his head the job is swallowing him whole.

Even among the most friendly demographic group, the 18-34 age range as tracked by Civiqs, Biden is in the basement which underscores the total lack of confidence the American people have in their Commander in chief:

Democrats are always strongest with young voters for a range of reasons, but that dam appears to be breaking due to crises like inflation and a host of kitchen table issues wreaking havoc on household budgets from coast to coast.

Only two states, Vermont and Hawaii, have Biden above-water on approval, but just barely:

(Approval / Disapproval)

  • Hawaii 46% / 43%
  • Vermont 43% / 39%

Other notable regions including several of the bluest states in the country where Biden can’t come anywhere close to 50% approval:

  • Colorado 32% / 55%
  • New York 36% / 50%
  • California 37% / 48%
  • Pennsylvania 31% / 57%
  • Virginia 30% / 57%
  • Wisconsin 33% / 57%

You can view the entire state list on the Civiqs page for more eye-popping numbers.

There are many states with key midterm Senate races, like Colorado, where Biden’s numbers are taking a beating, the same with Pennsylvania.

If Biden’s unpopularity and disapproval numbers tank down-ballot candidates, Democrats are in for a pretty bad November across the board. If Biden’s numbers continue to fall, all bets are off as to whether Democrats can even consider holding the Senate if it’s assumed the House is likely already gone.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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