Fox News 2012 profile of Governor Bobby Jindal

From Friday’s installment of the Fox News “12 in 2012” series on potential 2012 Republican candidates, this on one Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. In full disclosure, I am a huge fan of Jindal and will be fascinated to see what he decides to do in 2012.

Tea Party Express reminds Mitt Romney of his RomneyCare baggage

Given the anti-big government climate we’re in right now, Mitt Romney has some strengths and weaknesses in this area. He is an advocate for fiscal conservatism and smaller government, however, he cannot escape his record in Massachusetts which produced a state-level program similar to ObamaCare. Critics have dubbed Romney’s legislation as “RomneyCare.”

The Tea Party Express chair has now come out stating that they will not let Romney or voters forget that Romney oversaw the inception of a now-bankrupt program in Massachusetts which has ramifications for the national stage.

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