Political News | Friday, Jan 10

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Final day of DNC 2012: No prime time for Biden

The schedule for the final night of the Democratic National Convention has been released and Vice President Joe Biden has been relegated to the 9pm eastern hour, out of reach for the broadcast networks covering the 10pm eastern slot. Another notable story line is the decision to move the Vice President and President speeches from Bank Of America Stadium, home of the Carolina Panthers, back into the Time Warner Center where the convention is taking place. The Obama campaign cited this evening’s chance of rain as the reason for the move but rumors persist that the real reason involves an inability to fill the 60,000 seat stadium. As of now, looks like the forecast has turned for the worse so probably a good decision regardless of the reason.

Broadcast Television: NBC, ABC, CBS from 10pm to 11pm eastern

Cable News: All evening

Report from the Washington Post:

Below is an approximate schedule for speakers at the podium on the Democratic National Convention’s third night in Charlotte, courtesy of the Obama campaign. Rep. Barney Frank (Mass.), originally scheduled to speak Wednesday, will appear tonight. Other notable speakers include Wisconsin Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin, Caroline Kennedy, former Florida governor (and former Republican) Charlie Crist, Rep. John Lewis (Ga.), Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, Sen. John Kerry (Mass.), Jill Biden, Vice President Biden, and of course, President Obama.

Three famous actresses — Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington — will also speak. Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is scheduled to deliver the Pledge of Allegiance, but she isn’t listed.

The theme of the night is “Americans Coming Together.” There will be videos devoted to the end of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and gay marriage.

Musical interludes include live performances by James Taylor, Marc Anthony (singing the national anthem), Mary J. Blige, and the Foo Fighters.

Continue reading for the full Thursday night schedule.

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