Political News | Saturday, Jan 11

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GOP candidates respond to President Obama’s 2012 SOTU

President Obama delivered his 2012 State of the Union Address Tuesday night which offered many opportunities for the GOP candidates to critique and respond to the President. Here are excerpts from each candidate’s response to the speech.

Rick Santorum:

“Tonight Barack Obama transformed the President’s annual State of the Union address into the kick-off of his re-election campaign. From beginning to end, the American people heard more of the same – empty promises and grand platitudes that will do nothing to help the millions of Americans who are unemployed or under employed find a good paying job.

Rather than call for decisive action in allowing projects like the Keystone Pipeline or reducing the regulatory burden his Administration has imposed, the President declared war on those who are most successful in our society. Barack Obama should realize he’s the President of all Americans, but sadly, he has instead chosen to govern and campaign as the Divider-in-Chief.”

Read the rest from RickSantorum.com

Continue reading for the remaining candidate responses.

Video: Newt Gingrich on Meet the Press and Face the Nation – 1/22/12

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich made the rounds on Sunday fresh off his victory in the South Carolina GOP primary. Gingrich was also originally scheduled to appear on ABC’s This Week program but canceled likely due to ABC’s decision to air an unflattering interview with Gingrich’s ex-wife last Thursday night.

Here is Gingrich’s full interview this morning on Face the Nation on CBS:

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